Joseph Shanley, recently had an interview with Cronicle Tech News. In the interview, he discusses how medical device startups are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. He illustrates this phenomenon using his client Seraph Biosciences, Inc. Seraph Biosciences is a biomedical device company seeking to commercialize its real-time pathogen detection platform, Seraspec®. Seraph is a participant in the National Institute of Health’s Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) program. Through RADx, Seraph hopes to obtain Emergency Use Authorization for Seraspec® from the FDA for SARS-CoV-2 human use applications. Below you can find an excerpt from the interview with Cronicle Tech News.
Cronicle Press Interview Excerpt
“Awen Innovations founder, Joe Shanley, will discuss the realities of being a medical device startup during a pandemic. Joe serves as a legal and business consultant for Seraph Biosciences, a Detroit-based medical device company. Seraph is working with multiple stakeholders to build its Seraspec® platform and refine its research and development strategy at this time. Cronicle Tech News will highlight the issues Seraph is navigating because it’s a great illustration of what so many startups are struggling through right now. We hope that you find some ideas or encouragement in the story of Seraph’s progress during these challenging times.“
Click here to read the full interview from Cronicle Tech News.